Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Internal Communications Foundations

    • Welcome to the bootcamp!

    • [Welcome] The difference between communicating internally vs internal communications

    • Why Internal Comms?

    • Communicating the 'Why' to the Business

    • Numbers for Numbers People

    • Growing from Passive to Proactive

    • Passive to Active to Proactive Communication

    • The 7 Principles

    • Resources

  • 2

    Strategy & Planning in Context: from Objective Alignment to Tactical Approach

    • Strategy, Mandate and Planning

    • A Strategy vs. a Plan

    • Translating Organizational Objectives to Comms Strategies

    • Strategy and Planning Resources

    • Perspective on Communication

    • Statistics for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    • Checking for Bias

    • Communicating in the New Normal

    • Universal Design for Communications

  • 3

    Time to Execute: Defining Audiences, Auditing Channels and Crafting Content that Gets Where it Needs to Go

    • An Overview of Execution

    • Developing Key Messaging

    • Profiles and Profiling

    • Demographics and Psychographics

    • Medium and Message

    • Channel ID and Shadow IT

    • The Channel Audit

    • Knowledge Check

    • The Single Source of Truth

    • Do You Have a Single Source of Truth?

    • A Quick Word on Timing

  • 4

    Storytelling with Reporting: Metrics, Data, and Numbers for Words People

    • Let's Talk Data

    • Why Measure?

    • The Numbers on Comms Numbers

    • The Barcelona Principles

    • Quantitative vs Qualitative vs Proxy Data

    • Leading and Lagging Indicators

    • Using Leading Indicators to Influence Outcomes

    • Why Use Reporting Frameworks?

    • Reporting Frameworks

    • Gathering Data

    • Thanks for Joining Us!

    • Completion Survey

What you'll learn

You’ll learn the foundations that underpin successful internal comms, from developing a solid strategy, to effective execution, to relevant reporting and metrics.

Who is it for?

Our bootcamp is designed to help build a foundational understanding of internal communications. As such, it's targeted at internal communicators who are relatively new to the industry, or professionals who are responsible for some internal communication activity, but do not necessarily specialize in it (for example, those working in HR, admin, IT, or marketing roles).
Studying Internal Communications


Erin Raimondo

Communications Specialist

Erin Raimondo is, at the core, a writer and content-obsessed communicator with more than a decade of experience fostering engagement through effective internal communication. She is an expert at developing integrated communication strategies that fit and flourish in diverse environments. As a co-chair of IABC/BC's internal communications special interest group, she hosts peer conversations about the state of the industry and the best practices that are developing. This informs her work at IC Thrive, where she works with our customers to find their own unique paths to better internal communication.